Advertising and marketing for B2B services and products requires a much more comprehensive approach than planning and implementing effective online advertising campaigns. Purchasing processes in B2B are longer, very often more people are involved in the decision-making (decision-maker, information collector, advisors), and the process itself usually takes much longer than in the case of B2C.
In B2B marketing, we usually deal with a much smaller number of advertising recipients, but these contacts relate to transactions of much higher value and require special personalization and optimization.
Working with a B2B advertising agency requires an extremely strong partnership and full understanding of the business. All marketing and advertising activities should be consistent with the course of the customer purchasing process, and communication should be properly personalized in accordance with the Customer Lifycycle Marketing methodology.
Modern B2B Marketing requires the integration of data on advertising campaigns, website statistics and internal systems of the company (CRM or ERP) so as to be able to control the course of each path of contact with the customer, provide the relevant data to the sales department, and, above all, adjust advertising messages to everyone. recipient. Automation and the so-called lead scoring if there are more of them.
A good B2B internet marketing strategy includes:
- effective acquisition campaigns building brand and offer awareness
- website optimized in terms of content architecture, SEO and usability
- Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy, i.e. a description of the customer's purchasing path and a communication plan at every stage of the purchasing path
- appropriate tools to integrate advertising and sales systems
- properly planned remarketing campaigns, tailored to the purchasing process and B2B sales channels
- a marketing automation strategy and a well-configured marketing automation tool
- good organization of sales processes, including lead monitoring, scoring, tagging for advertising campaigns and marketing automation
- good CRM system, ERP integrated with other marketing tools
We have the most experience in the following areas:
- Tech B2B (Software)
- HR (tools and services related to recruitment and social benefits)
- Equipment and machines for companies
- Financial services and solutions for companies