Linkedin Ads

LinkedIn is a social networking site that is mainly focused on the B2B industry. It is an ally in acquiring quality leads that translate into a direct increase in sales.

Its advertising system has as many as 7 goals, but its greatest advantage is the possibility of very detailed targeting, which allows you to reach specific people, in specific positions, with specific skills and people employed in certain companies or who are part of interest groups conducted on LinkedIn.

That is why it is so important to understand your audience when creating an advertising campaign on LinkedIn - it is one of the main factors that determine high sales results. The LinkedIn Ads advertising campaign works perfectly, among others in industries such as: HR, education or B2B. The prices of ads on LinkedIn are much higher than those available on Facebook or Google Ads, but it is the advanced targeting options that speak for the effectiveness of advertising and high quality of obtained leads, which they convert into sales much more often.

Many of our clients have developed their businesses thanks to the decision to start a LinkedIn campaign. In many cases, the use of such forms of promotion as e.g. LinkedIn InMail, which allows you to send a direct message to selected users, formed the basis for high campaign results, including in the HR industry. It is these website capabilities, unavailable in other advertising systems, that give it an advantage.

If you are not yet running advertising or marketing activities on LinkedIn, but you plan to start them and are looking for an agency that will comprehensively deal with the promotion of your business, and thus prepare an effective and effective LinkedIn Ads campaign, in which you will increase your company's sales results - we invite you to talk to us. . We can help you with a free, no obligation advertising campaign plan. It will include the estimation of results within the assumed budget and our offer to build and run such a campaign.

If you are currently running active campaigns on the website, but you expect much higher results from ads on LinkedIn, we offer you a free basic audit of your current activities and an assessment of the potential for development of their effectiveness. You will receive clear information from us whether it is possible to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities, how and our offer to build and run a campaign according to these guidelines.

To order a free audit or advertising campaign plan on LinkedIn - contact us by phone or using the form and arrange a non-binding interview in which you will present your goals and requirements to us.

If you decide to entrust us with running a campaign, the next steps are:

  • building a campaign based on LinkedIn Ads and configuring the necessary advertising tools according to a previously prepared plan and guidelines
  • implementation of the LinkedIn Insight Tag and Google Analytics on your website
  • running and ongoing optimization of the campaign:
      a) testing audience groups, creatives, and communication in advertisements in order to best match them to the group of recipients
      b) constant supervision of campaigns conducted in the LinkedIn Ads panel and checking conversions in LinkedIn Insight Tag and Google Analytics
  • regular reporting on the effectiveness of our advertising activities, using standard reports and dashboards in Google Data Studio

We offer full transparency of activities, thanks to which you will have access to all advertising accounts created for your company. Therefore, if you want to effectively promote your business, e.g. in the B2B sector and increase sales, are you looking for contractors or need new employees - trust our knowledge and experience, and your campaigns will be carried out effectively and will provide you with high results.

Schedule a no-obligation first consulting meeting.
