Image campaigns

Properly targeted display ads achieve excellent results, building not only brand awareness and image, but also website engagement and conversions.

Each display campaign is optimized based on data from web analytics. Here it is not only the range and the display of advertisements that count, but the actual impact of the image campaign on the increase in brand awareness and opinion, and ultimately sales growth.

We measure this using web analytics, conversion attribution, and econometric data modeling. Both banners and video ads targeted at relevant audiences and optimized with analytics achieve significantly better results and lower costs without compromising on reach.

If you need to build brand awareness, inform potential customers about your offer and build engagement around your own brand, then with this type of campaign you will achieve this goal, but on condition that these campaigns will be very well optimized with the use of data.

We talk about it during the Google Analytics training and the training in Planning advertising campaigns from scratch. If you have time, sign up for these trainings, gain knowledge that will allow you to conduct effective image campaigns, regardless of whether you do them yourself or want to outsource them to an agency. Success is in your hands. If you lack time for training and you prefer to talk to us - arrange a free online consultation using the form.

If you don't have any active campaigns yet:

1. Make an appointment for a free interview in which we will discuss your advertising goals

2. After the interview, we will present you with an action plan that will include a plan for image and other campaigns needed to achieve your goal. We will also provide you with estimated results that the campaign will be able to generate within the entrusted budget and we will present the costs of our service.

3. After your approval, we will plan a safe start of the campaign, in which, thanks to appropriate preparation, we increase the chances of achieving the set advertising goals.

4. We will also offer you trainings that will allow you to gain expanded knowledge, move to an even higher level in conversations about online advertising strategy and acquire the ability to quickly assess the effectiveness of campaigns.

If youalready have active image campaigns on the Internet:

1. Order a free audit in which we will answer the question whether your advertising campaigns have the potential to increase effectiveness. You will find out if more can be achieved for the same budget.

2. After the audit, we will also present you our cooperation offer.

3. On the basis of the information presented in the audit and the offer, you will decide whether you want to let us run your advertising campaigns or leave them in the hands of the current specialist.

4. Your image campaign can be run by us, we will take over all activities from you, implement changes to increase the effectiveness of activities and show you what to pay attention to when analyzing the campaign results, so that you can always be sure that the campaigns conducted for you are conducted best as possible.

5. If you decide to leave the campaign to the same person, you can order a full and paid campaign audit, where we will provide you with recommendations which areas of the campaign should be improved to increase the effectiveness of activities. Take advantage of the offer of our training courses to increase your knowledge about effective advertising on the Internet.

Schedule a no-obligation first consulting meeting.
